Stones – Poem by Poem
STONES, BY KEVIN YOUNG – POEM BY POEM Hum I am learning how to sleep again, to love the descent, or is it, lying here,
STONES, BY KEVIN YOUNG – POEM BY POEM Hum I am learning how to sleep again, to love the descent, or is it, lying here,
DRYSALTER – POEM BY POEM The Poem — Hymn to the Faces. Hymn to the Faces A wall of photographs from nowhere, overnight gallery
GOLDEN SLIPPERS: An Anthology of Negro Poetry for Young Readers Poem: Youth Poet: Langston Hughes (1901 – 1967) Editor: Arna Bontemps Publisher: Harper & Row
MORNING IN THE BURNED HOUSE The Poem: February by Margaret Atwood Winter and time to eat fat and watch hockey. In the pewter mornings, the cat,
IN ANOTHER COUNTRY POEM BY POEM The poem: Prognosis An old man alone in a house full of books who spits in the sink
THE FACT OF A DOORFRAME POEM BY POEM Storm Warnings The glass has been falling all the afternoon, And knowing better than the instrument What
The Poet’s Corner – Poem by Poem The Poem: Next Time When I come back I want to be a rock – Liza Weary of
THE COLDEST YEAR OF GRACE POEM BY POEM The Poem: 19** Surely, it’s time to speak out as it was once time to remain
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