Okay, guys, how’d you like it? I thought it was a solid read and so entertaining. Of course I learned a lot about polygamy amongst the Mormons, but I was mostly blown away by Udall’s ability to see into the hearts of his male characters. He wasn’t bad with the females, either, but it was the
men and boys that touched me the most.
Somebody get online and tell me what the group thought. Did anyone comment on the length of the book? Or the fact that sex can be, and indeed often is, side-splittingly funny and breath-takingly sad, all at the same time?
Hope you’re feeling better, Sunny. Missed you! Most readers found Udall’s Polygamist a worthwhile read even though difficult to get into. The dysfunctional family was discussed at length as well as the superbly developed characters. Many readers discussed Golden with his many quirks, especially his cluelessness and inability to take charge of his life. Who wouldn’t like to take Rusty aside and give him some one-on-one attention and some new underwear! I hope others will share more of their insights with you./
Got my antibiotics this morning and I think it may be helping. Boy, did I ever missing being there. Was there any discussion about religion? Oh my gosh, so much of their “offer it up for your reward in heaven” reminded me so much of Catholicism of the 1940s and 1950s. So some of the story was a bit close for comfort. I hope others chime in.
3 Responses
Okay, guys, how’d you like it? I thought it was a solid read and so entertaining. Of course I learned a lot about polygamy amongst the Mormons, but I was mostly blown away by Udall’s ability to see into the hearts of his male characters. He wasn’t bad with the females, either, but it was the
men and boys that touched me the most.
Somebody get online and tell me what the group thought. Did anyone comment on the length of the book? Or the fact that sex can be, and indeed often is, side-splittingly funny and breath-takingly sad, all at the same time?
Hope you’re feeling better, Sunny. Missed you! Most readers found Udall’s Polygamist a worthwhile read even though difficult to get into. The dysfunctional family was discussed at length as well as the superbly developed characters. Many readers discussed Golden with his many quirks, especially his cluelessness and inability to take charge of his life. Who wouldn’t like to take Rusty aside and give him some one-on-one attention and some new underwear! I hope others will share more of their insights with you./
Got my antibiotics this morning and I think it may be helping. Boy, did I ever missing being there. Was there any discussion about religion? Oh my gosh, so much of their “offer it up for your reward in heaven” reminded me so much of Catholicism of the 1940s and 1950s. So some of the story was a bit close for comfort. I hope others chime in.