Uprooted Naomi Novik’s novel Uprooted is what fantasy films are made of. The story follows Agnieszka, who fears that the mysterious wizard known only as “The Dragon” will come for her best friend, Kasia, according to an ancient pact. Unfortunately, it is Agnieszka who is taken to be his apprentice, and she discovers that she […]
The Book of Nonsense
The Book of Nonsense, by David Michael Slater, is not your typical coming of age story. At the heart of the novel is very large book store. Any reader who loves books will be drawn into the description of the Antiquarian Book Center (ABC Books for short). The main character, Daphna Wax is enchanted by […]
The Magician’s Elephant
The Magician’s Elephant, another DiCamillo gem. Oh, what a pleasure to recommend a new Kate DiCamillo book. Don’t be fooled by it’s being targeted to middle readers, which means kids between 10 and 13. The Magician’s Elephant is a book for anyone who loves a good story superbly written. It also gives me a chance […]