Reading Journal #9 – Morning People
Reading Journal #9 – Thurs. – Fri., 2/18-19 It’s snowing, it’s blowing, the old gal is slowing. She went to bed with her book unread and was chilled when she woke in the morning. We who are not morning people and wake to a lovely snowfall are, in addition to being a bit chilled, also thrilled. Too […]
Steinbeck’s Ghost
Steinbeck’s Ghost – Lewis Buzbee’s story marketed to middle readers is equally as satisfying to adults, especially to those who love John Steinbeck. If ever there was a family read, Steinbeck’s Ghost is it, a reminder to parents that a great number of books marketed to young readers (middle readers and up), are just […]
Dear Bookin’ with Sunny, my niece is ten years old and crazy about horses. Can you recommend any good horse stories? I can’t afford to get her a pony and her parents cannot afford to keep a horse in the city. Sincerely, Desperate in Chicago. Dear Desperate – Funny you should ask. The short answer […]